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The search for Marvin Gardens by John McPhee

”There is a plaque at Boardwalk and Park Place, and on it in relief is the leo­ nine profile of a man who looks like an officer in a metropolitan bank­ “Charles B. Darrow, 1889-1967, inventor of the game of Monopoly.” “Darrow,” I address him, aloud. “Where is Marvin Gardens?”

At the beginning of the essay McPhee talks about how they were playing monopoly and describes in a very detailed analysis of what is going on. He pretty much gives a play by play of the two playing. The game of Monopoly is kinda his way of looking for Marvin Gardens. He actually goes to Boardwalk and Park Place and see a statue of the creator of Monopoly and asks him where he is at. Although he could not answer because he was only a statue, but the way he is positioned has him looking down Park Place. So maybe that is a sign to McPhee that Marvin Gardens is down Park Place.


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